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Group by: No Grouping | Curriculam Level | Authors | Subjects | Year
Number of items: 175.

2. Lower Primary

Drew, Sheila and Welch, Tessa (2017) African Storybook Guides Preparing to use African Storybooks with children. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Open School BC (2008) Kindermath Module. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Life Skills Personal development – How Self-esteem Impacts on Learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Literacy Module 1 Reading and writing for a range of purposes. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Numeracy Module 1 Investigating Number and Pattern. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Numeracy Module 2 Exploring shape and space. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

3. Upper Primary

Commonwealth of Learning(COL), William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling - Mathematics Grade 12. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (2017) Mathematics at the Upper Primary Level Module II Unfolding the Curriculum: Mathematics Curriculum in Practice. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Greco, Heidi and Sherman, Mike and Brewer, Monique (2016) Grammar on the Go! Paragraph. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Greco, Heidi and Sherman, Mike and Brewer, Monique (2006) Grammar on the Go! Parts of speech. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Greco, Heidi and Sherman, Mike and Brewer, Monique (2016) Grammar on the Go! Punctuation. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Greco, Heidi and Sherman, Mike and Brewer, Monique (2016) Grammar on the Go! Spelling. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Life Skills Module 2 -Exploring social development. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Life Skills Personal development – How Self-esteem Impacts on Learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Life skills Module 3 Community Issues and Citizenship. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Literacy Module 2 Using community voices in your classroom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Literacy Module 3 Promoting Communication in an Additional Language. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Numeracy Module 1 Investigating Number and Pattern. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Numeracy Module 2 Exploring shape and space. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Numeracy Module 3 Investigating Measurement and Data Handling. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Science Module 1 Looking at life. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Science Module 2 Investigating materials. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Primary Subject Resources Science Module 3 Energy and movement. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

4. Junior Secondary

UNSPECIFIED (2020) Science: Motion. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Chad (2015) Why voltage lags current in a circuit of pure capacitance. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Acids, Bases and Salts. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Acoustics. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Applied Chemistry. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Atoms and Molecules. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Breeding and Biotechnology. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Carbon and its compounds. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Carbon and its compounds. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Chemical bonding. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Chemistry: Solutions. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Economic Biology. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Electricity. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Environmental Management. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Environmental Science. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Health and Diseases. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Laws of Motion. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Nervous system. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Nuclear physics. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Nutrition and Health. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Optics. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Organ Systems in Animals. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Origin and evolution of life. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Peridic classification of elements. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Periodic Classification of Elements. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Physics: Light. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Plant Anatomy and Plant Physiology. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Plant and Animal Harmones. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Plant physiology. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Reproduction in Plants and Animals. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Science: Animal Kingdom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Science: Electric Charge and Electric Current. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Science: Fluids. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Science: Heat. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Science: Sound. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Science: The Universe. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Structural organisation of animals. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Thermal physics. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Transportation in Plants and Circulation in Animals. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Types of Chemical Reactions. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Visual communication. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) World of Microbes. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Secondary Subject Resources Science Module 1 Biology. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Secondary Subject Resources Science Module 2 Chemistry. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) and The Open University (2016) Secondary Subject Resources Science Module 3 Physics. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

5. Senior Secondary

The National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) (2020) CLASS 12 Economics - Introductory Macroeconomics Open Economy Macroeconomics. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Coordinated science 10. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Geography Grade 12. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Life Sciences Grade 10. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Chad (2017) How three phase math works (277 + 277 = 480?). [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Chad (2015) Power factor correction. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Chad (2020) Sine Wave generation. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Chad (2015) Why current lags voltage in an inductive circuit (explanation). [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Chad (2017) Wye and Delta three phase configuration ( A brief overview). [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Chad (2015) The sine wave explained (AC Waveform analysis). [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Commerce. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling English Grade 12. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling English second language 10. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Entrepreneurship grade 10. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Food and Nutrition: For the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Human social biology grade 12. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Mathematics grade 11. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Physical Science 12. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Physical science grade 10. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Life skills for secondary 4 and secondary 5. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Food Geography grade 10. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Atomic Structure. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Biomolecules. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Cell Cycle. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Cell: The Unit of Life. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2018) Living World. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Magnetism and Electromagnetism. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Matter around us. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Mineral Nutrition. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Photosynthesis. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Plant Growth and Development. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Plant Kingdom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Plant Secondary Growth. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Reproductive Morphology. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Respiration. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Science: Measurements. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Taxonomy and Systematic Botany. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Tissue and Tissue System. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Transport in Plants. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

State Council of Educational Research and Training, Tamil Nadu (2020) Vegetative Morphology. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

6. Post school transition

South African Institute for Distance Education, Khanyisa Materials Development, Limpopp provincial Government Department of Education (2006) Skills for a Changing World Finding your Way in the World of Work Activity Guide for Office Administration: Level 2. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

7. Post secondary

Veletsianos, George, ed. (2010) Emerging Technologies in Distance Education. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Burge, Elizabeth (Liz) and Gibson, Chère Campbell and Gibson, Terry, eds. (2011) Flexible Pedagogy, Flexible Practice Notes from the Trenches of Distance Education. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Bunda College of Agriculture, University of Malawi (2009) IADP-SADC Digital Resources Project Resources. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Wesolek, Andrew and Lashley, Jonathan and Langley, Anne, eds. (2018) OER: A Field Guide for Academic Librarians. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Abrioux, Dominique A M X and Ferreira, Frances, eds. (2009) Open Schooling in the 21st Century. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Bialobrzeska, Maryla and Randell, Christina and Hellmann, Liora and Winkler, Gisela (2009) Creating a Caring School A Guide for School Management Teams with Accompanying Toolkit. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Butcher, Neil and Moore, Andrew (2015) Understanding Open Educational Resources. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2016) Institutional OER policy -Template. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Towards more Resilient Schooling: Possible Models for the Future. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (2012) Open Educational Resources (OER) for Open Schooling Principles of Business. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Council on Higher Education (South Africa) and South African Institute for Distance Education (SAIDE) (2014) Distance Higher Education Programmes in a Digital Era: Good Practice Guide. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Goodell, Jim and Kessler, Aaron (2020) Science of Remote Learning (Beta version). [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Kirkwood, Adrian and Price, Linda (2016) Technology-Enabled Learning Implementation Handbook. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Mays, Tony (2021) Lesson plan for remote teaching. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Naidu, Som and Roberts, Keith J. (2019) Future Proofing Higher Education in the Pacific with Open and Flexible Learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Open School BC (2012) Planning Setting Personal Goals. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Open School BC (2012) Planning Your Well-being. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using Mind Maps and Brainstorming to Explore Ideas. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

8. Technical and Vocational Education and Training

Cadwallader, Alan and Standring, Doug and Seelig, Caroline, eds. (2019) Transformation of Open Distance Flexible Learning at the intersection of national reform of Vocational Education and Training. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Strategies for Blended TVET In Response to COVID-19. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

9. Teacher Training

Kennepohl, Dietmar and Shaw, Lawton, eds. (2010) Accessible Elements Teaching Science Online and at a Distance. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Thijs, Annette and van den Akker, Jan, eds. (2009) Curriculum in Development. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Burge, Elizabeth (Liz) and Gibson, Chère Campbell and Gibson, Terry, eds. (2011) Flexible Pedagogy, Flexible Practice Notes from the Trenches of Distance Education. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using explaining and Demonstrating to Assist Learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Ferreira, Frances and Gauthier, Cindy, eds. (2013) Open Schooling with Open Educational Resources: Opening Doors, Creating Opportunities. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Du Vivier, Ed, ed. (2009) The Open Schools Handbook A Resource Guide for Managers. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (2013) School Based Teacher Development programme (SBTD)- Transforming Classroom Practices The teacher’s role in promoting literacy and numeracy : Module 4. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (2013) School Based Teacher Development programme (SBTD)- Transforming Classroom Practices (TCP) Assessment for Quality Learning:Module 3. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Freeman, Richard (2005) Creating Learning Materials for Open and Distance Learning: A Handbook for Authors and Instructional Designers. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Bates, A.W. (Tony) (2019) Teaching in a Digital Age - Second Edition. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Bialobrzeska, Maryla and Randell, Christina and Hellmann, Liora and Winkler, Gisela (2009) Creating a Caring School A Guide for School Management Teams with Accompanying Toolkit. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Butcher, Neil (2015) Basic guide to Open Educational Resources (OER). [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Cleveland-Innes, Martha and Wilton, Dan (2018) Guide to Blended Learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2019) Guide to Gender-Responsive Learning Materials Development. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Strategies for Blended TVET In Response to COVID-19. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and SchoolNet South Africa (2015) Commonwealth Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration (CCTI) Course Modules. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Conrad, Dianne and Openo, Jason (2018) Assessment Strategies for Online Learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Council on Higher Education (South Africa) and South African Institute for Distance Education (SAIDE) (2014) Distance Higher Education Programmes in a Digital Era: Good Practice Guide. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

FIT-ED (Coalition Secretariat) with Coalition members Education (2020) Teacher’s Guide for Remote Learning During School Closures and Beyond. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Ferreira, Frances (2010) Quality Assurance Toolkit for Open Schools. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Frei, Sibyl and Leowinata, Sevilla (2014) Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit for Teachers and Teacher Educators. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Hirtz, Sandy (2008) Education for a Digital World: Advice, Guidelines, and Effective Practice from Around the Globe. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Kawachi, Paul (2014) Quality Assurance guidelines for Open Educational Resources: TIPS framework. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Kirkwood, Adrian and Price, Linda (2016) Technology-Enabled Learning Implementation Handbook. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Moon, Bob (2018) A Blueprint and Toolkit for School-Based Teacher Development: secondary. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Power, Michael (2009) A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

TESS-India and The Open University (2017) TESS-India: All India Resources Using pair work. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Assessing learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Being a Resourceful Teacher in Challenging Circumstances. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Planning and Preparing your Lessons. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Researching in the Classroom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Tools for Planning and Carrying out Investigations in Science. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using Group Work in your Classroom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using Investigations in the Classroom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using New Technologies. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using Role Play/Dialogue/Drama in the Classroom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using questioning to Promote Thinking. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using the Local Community/Environment as a Resource. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Working with Large Classes. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Working with Multigrade Classes. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resources- Key Resources for Teachers and Teacher Educators. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (2013) School Based Teacher Development programme (SBTD)- Transforming Classroom Practices Developing Active Pedagogies:Module 1. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (2013) School Based Teacher Development programme (SBTD)- Transforming Classroom Practices (TCP) Learning Focused Classroom Practices:Module 2. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (2013) School Based Teacher Development programme (SBTD)- Transforming Classroom Practices (TCP) The Inclusive Approach to Teaching and Learning: Module 5. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (2013) School Based Teacher Development programme (SBTD)- Transforming Classroom Practices (TCP), Engaging Parents in Raising Achievement: Module 6. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Educ and Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University (2020) Handbook on Facilitating Flexible Learning During Educational Disruption: The Chinese Experience in Maintaining Undisrupted Learning in COVID-19 Outbreak. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 14:34:31 2025 UTC.